Workshops attended by Admin and Finance Staff

EU Workshops

A three day “Audit Coaching” workshop conducted by the European Union was attended by our Admin & Finance Manager together with the Medical Directors and other key staff. This workshop was held at VSHC from 25th to 27th February 2013. The objective of this workshop was to provide audit coaching services to build and further strength the staff capacity in financial reporting and management. This workshop was very helpful and it fulfilled its objectives. The workshop was further backed up by another Audit Coaching workshop on 11th April 2013 at the EU Conference Room. The objective of this one day workshop was to recap important notes from EU Financial Management Toolkit & audit requirements, and provide some practical exercise on the same with a question and answer session to clarify pending issues etc.  

FCDP (Fiji Community Development Program) Workshops

A.  The Finance team attended another three day “MANGO (Management Accounting for Non-Government Organisations) Training” workshop conducted by FCDP at the Tanoa Hotel in Lautoka from 28th to 30th August 2013. Day 1 focused on principles, Days 2 and 3 on practice of internal controls, documentation & filing, Cash & Bank Management, Budgets & forecasting etc.  The training helped in learning and capacity development in terms of managing and reporting grants.  

B.  A round the table discussion was organised by FCDP on 13th December 2013 at the Lautoka Office. The purpose of this discussion was to provide FCDP feedback on the systems and processes in the grants management as established in the FCDP Grants Management manual.  This was part of FCDP’s Quality Audit of the Grant Management system. The group discussion was attended to by the Admin & Finance Manager together with Research Officer, Sheetal Naidu.

C.  A second drop in round the table discussion on Sustainability was also attended by the Finance & Admin Manager together with Co-Medical Director, Prof R Gyaneshwar. This discussion was held on 12th February 2014 at the FCDP’s Lautoka Office. The purpose of these roundtable events was to initiate discussions with FCDP grantees on:
    1.  What sustainability means and why it is important: and,
    2.  How can CSOs improve the sustainability of their projects and organizations.