Interns presentations from Sweta and Sharlone
Below are the links to the presentations from Sweta Swavika and Sharlone Reuben the Trainee Interns who have just completed a two week work experience at VSHC. Sweta - Public Health Priorities for Fiji.pdf Sharlone - Running an Effective Primary Health Care Centre.pdf (L - R) Sweta Swavika Trainee Intern, Dr Susanna Nakalevu, District Medical Officer (DMO), Sharlone Reuben, Trainee Intern. (L - R) Professor Rajat Gyaneshwar, Sharlone - Trainee Intern, Dr Swaran Naidu, Sweta - Trainee Intern and Jasmial - Trainee Intern. Read more >>
Interns presentations from Jenni and Isaac.
Below are the links to the presentations from Jenni Palo and Isaac Singh the Trainee Interns who have just completed a two week work experience at VSHC. This is followed by a short article sharing their thoughts about the experience. Jenni - RH rights.pdf Isaac - STEPs.pdf As our time here at Viseisei Sai Health Centre draws to a close, we are left to reflect on the past two weeks that we have spent here with a sense of newfound maturity and some measures of sadness that our time… Read more >>
Two weeks of Public Health Attachment at Viseisei Sai Health Centre (VSHC)
“Love all serve all” is a theme that should be engraved in the hearts of men no matter what aspect of the service we are in; this is in light of our roles and responsibilities as individuals, community and as a nation. The first day my colleague Fane Rabici and I arrived at Viseisei Sai Health Centre as part of our attachment as final year students in medical school, we noticed this motto being part of the day-to day conduct of the Health Centre. I for one did not have… Read more >>
Two Trainee Interns Adi Fane Rabici and Faurina Panapasa recently completed their training at VSHC. At the completion of their training they gave a presentation, which can be viewed here. Task Presentation. Adi Fane Rabici at front left and Faurina Panapasa front right with VSHC staff. Read more >>
T.I. Presentations.
Four Trainee Interns (TI's) from Sigatoka completed their training at VSHC on June 19th. At the completion of their training they each gave a presentation, which can be viewed below. Steps Survey by Suzianna Raza. The Healthy Islands Policy and the MDG's by Glenus Mishra. NCD Crisis and Reproductive Health by Repa Ben. Levels of Health Care by Vanita Vandana. The Trainee Interns who were at VSHC in June. left to right - Glenus Mishra, Vinita Vandana , Repa Ben and Suzianna Raza. Read more >>
Tobacco Smoking and Viseisei Village
As part of the NCD intervention in Veseisei Village, the Trainee Interns (Tis) on their public health attachment from FNU started an initiative to combat this issue of smoking tobacco. A meeting with the assistant Turaga ni Koro was arranged to discuss the idea of declaring Veseisei village a Tobacco Free village. An informal meeting took place with the Turaga ni koro to discuss the issue, and a meeting and presentation was arranged with the the Turaga ni Koro and his assistant. On Thursday the 18th of June the TIs… Read more >>
Trainee Intern Presentations.
Three Trainee Interns (TI's) completed 3 weeks training at VSHC on May 15th. At the completion of their training they each gave a presentation, which can be viewed below. OTTAWA-CHARTER IN ACTION presentation NCD presentation VSHC presentation The final year training doctors (MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery- Fiji National University) Akesa, Adi Lagi and Rehasaf of Ba Mission Hospital at the end of their 3 weeks attachment. On the far right is Dr Finau Dansey ( TI Supervisor). Read more >>
Trainee Intern Presentations.
Three Trainee Interns recently gave presentations at VSHC on the topics of Teen Pregnancy, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Cervical Cancer. Download the Teen Pregnancy Report. Download the Sexually Transmitted Infections Report. Download the Cervical Cancer Report. Read more >>
Trainee Interns Report
ATTACHMENT REPORT Site Viseisei Sai Health Centre (VSHC) Date 3 February - 21 February 2014 Trainee Interns (Fiji School of Medicine) Sharon Dakuitonga (Fiji) Gina Marie Tobin (Federated States of Micronesia) Supervisors Professor Rajat Gyaneshwar, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Lautoka Hospital and Fiji National University, Chairman Viseisei Sai Health Centre Trust, Medical Director Viseisei Sai Health Centre Associate Professor Swarna Lata Naidu, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Lautoka Hospital and Fiji National University, Medical Director ViseIsei Sai Health Centre Training Viseisei Health Centre Clinic. Reproductive Health Project -… Read more >>
Trainee Interns at VSHC
The Medical School at Fiji National University runs a 6 year undergraduate medical program. The final year is the trainee internship program in which the students are prepared for their service role upon graduation. During the year they are rotated through terms in Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Public Health. As from mid 2013 students have been attached to VSHC during their Public Health term. This year the attachments are for a period of 3 weeks. During the attachment at VSHC the students are involved in all aspects… Read more >>