Viseisei Primary School Visit

2014.08.03 Category: Non Communicable Diseases Project


Dr Kris Naidu and Sister Diaskisi Daivalu of Viseisei Sai Health Centre visited Viseisei Primary School on the 25th of July, 2014. They spoke to the students and teachers on the importance of educating children on good hygiene and the principles of correct hygiene at an early age. Some key areas of personal hygiene that they spoke of to the children were:

  • Oral Hygiene
  • Hand Washing
  • Fungal Infections
  • Nail Care
  • Hair Care
  • Food Hygiene
  • Body Odour
  • Bathing

With a clean body, clean hair, clean clothes and shoes, children will feel good and their friends will be happy to be near them.

The team once again managed to hand out ‘Bodyguard’ antibacterial soap to each student of Viseisei Primary School courtesy of the Punjas- Fiji who donated 200 bars of soaps to the school.

We believe that 'A clean child is a healthier child'.

Dr Kris Naidu
MOH Medical Officer
Viseisei Sai Health Centre